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Admin Features

In Valispace deployments, admins have the capabilities to manage the project, collaborators, and also assign permissions to your team. Apart from this, admins have the possibility to create new workspaces, add or delete users, reset passwords, delete projects, and other functions.

We have explained here a few common steps which could be useful in managing your deployment. The user can also request this support either to their deployment admins or to the support team of Valispace at

These features can be implemented by accessing the admin panel. However, we request the admins to be careful while playing with the admin panel. Incorrect modification in fields can ruin the database. So it is recommended to be used with utmost care.

Accessing the Admin panel

To access the admin panel, write your deployment name in the URL and add the “/admin”. For example \ If you are an admin to your page and logged in already, you will be directed to a page as shown in the image below:

Admin Panel of the deployments

Adding a new user

The admins can add a new user in the “collaborators” section. Refer Collaborators section. Admins also can add a new user in the admin panel. To do so, follow the following steps:

  • Search for “Users” on the admin panel and select “Users”

  • On the right side, select “Add Users +”

  • Upon selecting, add the username and password and save the details of username, password, name, and email address(in next save tab). Admins have to provide the login details to the user.

When the new user logins, the user will be requested to reset the password.

Note: Adding a new user through the front end (collaborators sections) is easy and convenient.

Password Reset

In case a user forgets the password, the password can be reset in the backend in the admin panel. To do so, follow the following steps

  • Within users, Select the “id”(number) next to the name.

  • Upon entering the “users”, under password, you have the light blue colored words “this form” where you can create a new password for the user.

In case the reset password doesn't work, then there might be an issue with the access attempt block. If a user tries to log in with an incorrect password, Valispace adds a block to the username. In this case, even if you reset the password, the user cannot be logged in. So the solution would be to delete the access attempts. To do so, follow the procedure below

  • within the admin panel, search “access attempts”

  • Enter access attempts and select the access attempts and delete them

Deleting access attempts to remove the block

Deactivating/Deleting old profiles

In case one of your colleagues moved to a new endeavor and you would like to restrict the access to your deployment, the admins have the possibility to delete or deactivate the profiles. We recommend the admins use the deactivate profiles rather than deleting the profiles. This is because deleting the profile will lead to deleting the history of changes made by the user. Therefore deactivating the profile would keep and track all changes in the deployment. You can deactivate a profile either on the collaborator's page and also on the admin page. Refer to the gif below.

you can also do on the collaborator's page. see the image below Activate/deactivate in the collaborators.


Activate/deactivate in the collaborators

Delete Project

To delete the project, the admins have to empty the contents of each module within the project. Also, remove the references with other projects and then delete the contents. Once deleted all the contents,

  • Within the admin panel, Search “Projects”

  • Upon entering the project menu, select the project you wanted to delete

  • select “delete” at the end of the page and confirm in the popup

Moving Project from one workspace to another

To move the project, the admins have to remove the references of valis used from another project. Once removed the references, the project can be moved from one workspace to another

  • Within the admin panel, Search “Projects”

  • Upon entering the project menu, select the project you wanted to move

  • select “workspace” at which you wanted to move

  • change the “vpermissions” to the workspace you are moving

  • Finally, save to confirm your moving


    Moving project from one workspace to another

Creating New workspace

Within the admin panel, the admin has the right to create multiple workspaces. Workspaces are isolated instances and can have many projects within. However, projects within a workspace cannot interact or refer valis or components from projects which are in other workspaces. To create a new workspace, Within the admin panel

  • Search for “ workspaces” and select it

  • Within workspaces, you have “+ Add workspaces”. Click on this option

  • Upon clicking, you will land on a page, where you can provide the name of the workspace and click “save”. Leave the Vpermission as it is. The new permission with the workspace name will be created automatically

In case you would like to delete workspaces, you can click on the id of the workspaces and delete it in case you do not intend to use any more.

Custom column fields in the Requirements module

This is a hidden feature only available for the access of the admins. If you are missing a certain column attribute in your requirement module, admins can create one in the admin panel or in the settings>custom fields (refer to the image Custom fields within the settings menu) .


Custom fields within the settings menu

Custom fields within the settings is only visible/accessible to the admins.

The requirement column could be a rich text cell or selection(drop-down) or date or components. To create a custom field, search for “custom fields”(1) and once you enter the custom fields option, you can click on “Add Custom fields”.

Upon entering, you can choose which project you want to add the new custom field and the user needs to choose the “Target content type” as “Requirements | requirement” and then “Type” based on what you want and the name of the attribute (2). Upon saving, the new custom column is created. If you have selected Text or date or components the procedure is completed.


Creating the custom column in the admin panel

However, if you want to add the selection, you have one more additional step where the user needs to define the options of the drop-down. You can refer to the gif below

Currently, we can only create a new custom fields for the requirements module. It is not possible for the other modules at the moment.

Custom column fields in Test runs

The user can create a custom column field for the test runs, similar to how we did for the requirements custom fields. However, for the test runs column field, the user has to select the “Target Content type” as “Testing | test run”. The custom column can be a Text, selection, or date field.

Once the custom column is created, it shows in the test runs.

SSO Login only

Once Single Sign-On (SSO) is enabled, users can log in to the deployment using either SSO or their username and password. If you wish to restrict users from logging in using their username and password, you can do so by toggling a "Flag" within the admin panel. This flag hides the "Username and Password" option on the login page. To activate this feature, the admin needs to log in to the admin panel, navigate to "Constants," and then to "Config." From there, the admin can uncheck the option "AUTH_USERNAME_PASSWORD.”


Watch this demo to learn how to do it quickly and easily.


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