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System Design Module

The second module is the System Design Module which can be found below the Project Module on the left-hand bar. The System Design Module is the place where the user defines the System (or Product) Breakdown in terms of individual Components.

Components are elements of your final product (it can be a physical part such as a structure or a logical part such as orbit, operations, etc) that are represented with hierarchical relationships in a component tree. The top component is usually your product, for example, a car, satellite, or any other system. It can be further broken down into subcomponent assemblies representing the several physical, functional and logical constituents of the system.

The figure System Design Module Layout is an example of what the components tab looks like for a mature project.


System Design Module Layout

The left side tab (1) shows the components which are the system, subsystem, and its elements in a hierarchical manner and the right side (2) shows the Valis (properties) related to the component. Within Valispace, every component has its details (3) section. You can use the drop-down arrow to view the information related to the component. Users can add a description, image, tag, and part number and also assign an owner to the component (individual colaborators or groups). Note that if the component is a Connected Copy, that information will be displayed here.

The id is a unique numerical identifier assigned to every object of its type in the database.

Each component further contains Valis which gives the component unique characteristics. As in the figure Components with Valis, we observe that the Cabin component has five Valis: Cost, Mass, Power Consumption, Seat Pitch, and Volume.


Component with Valis - Example of the system properties defined in components

Next, we’ll learn how to create a Component.

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