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Files and Pictures

Valispace provides you with an option to add files and pictures which allows you to add more detail to your project. Let’s go through them one by one.

Add a Picture to your Component

  • Select the component that you wish to add a file to and go to the "Details" Tab

  • Then click on the "Add Image" block to add a new picture

  • You can then choose if you would like to upload from your local computer or an URL

  • To edit or delete the picture, click on the buttons in the bottom-right corner of the image. Hover over the image to find these options

Add a file to your Component

  • Select the component that you wish to add a file to and go to the "Files" Tab

  • Then click on the "+ Upload File" symbol to add a new file

  • Drag-and-Drop your file to the pop-up. You may upload pictures, PDFs, spreadsheets, and other file types

Versioning of Files

Valispace allows you to upload different versions of the same file. Just click on the three dots on the right-hand side of the document (1) and then click on upload new version (2).

You can also see the current version under the column named “Version number”.

You can access these files in the file management in the settings of the profile. In file management, you can find all the files in your deployment.

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