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Release 1.49 (18 January 2022)

In this version, many bugs were resolved and improvements introduced.

Here are the most important changes you should be aware of:

  •  Review Center - New Feature MVP

In v1.49, we released an MVP version of the totally new feature Review Center. This feature allows users to perform reviews for valis/requirements and also create discussions related to the objects. Refer to the gif on how to set up your reviews in Valispace.

Setting up the reviews in valispace

Once the user sets up and sends, the reviewer and the approver receive an invitation to review/approve in their notification tab.

  •  Add possibility to put serial number to Units under test in test runs in AgGrid

The latest version of Valispace provides a possibility to put serial numbers to Units under test in test runs.

In the latest version of AgGrid, we now have the possibility to trace the actual physical parts on which test is done using the serial numbering in ‘Units under test’ in test runs:

  •  Dropdown menu for the modelists

The detail view of the modes table can now be viewed and edited in the dropdown arrow of the modelist:

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