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Adding images to requirements from URL and Files

Oftentimes, you may need to add an image to a requirement to better illustrate the requirement text. Valispace allows you to add images to individual requirements either by URL or by uploading a file.

To add an image to a requirement

The user can upload images in two different ways. The easiest and the most simple way to add the images to your requirement is by clicking on the requirement identifier (1) which in turn pops up the details tab of the requirement (2). Within this tab, click on the “Add Image” (3), and a new popup window opens up where you can add the documents by dropping them inside.

Valispace allows users to add multiple images to the option. To do that, go to the details (1) and click on “Information” (2) and below the image, you have the small symbols “+”, “X” and a pencil symbol (3) as shown in the image below:

  • Clicking on the pencil symbol lets you add a new version of the image. Note that the files of the previous version will be saved as well in the files

  • The “+” symbol lets the user add another image and the steps are similar to adding the image to the requirement

  • The “X” lets you delete the image from the requirements

Another method to add the image to the requirement is by enabling the “image” column in the “columns” and double-clicking the cell will open up the pop-up box where the user can view and upload new images.

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