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Beta Features

What is a Beta feature?

Beta features are new features in the Requirements and Systems Portal developed for users, which are still in the second phase of testing and are not fully functional. We give the possibility to users to activate them so they can test them themselves and see if these features would be useful for their use case, and give us their feedback on the features.

The creation of Beta features generally comes from customer suggestions or little features that can improve usability. Once we have gathered enough experience from the beta version, the feature is added to the software and made available to any user without needing to activate it.

How can I activate the Beta features?

Each user has to personally activate them by following the steps in the gif below. If you have any suggestions for improvements/bugs, please feel free to let us know through the Altium support page.

What are the Beta features available in the Requirements and Systems Portal?

Three beta features are currently available: formula editor, quick add and tables in rich text.

  • Formula Editor

We are implementing a new formula editor which eases the way you define the formulas within the Requirements and Systems Portal. For example, “sqrt” or “ctrl + s” will create a square root function, “^” can be used for power, etc. Also, you have a blue highlight with a square box which makes it more comfortable for users to type their long formulas.

  • Quick Add Rows

The Quick Add feature allows you to create new requirements rapidly. After activating it on the tab’s left corner, it automatically displays a new requirement identifier with a default text. The user can then modify it and add it to the list of requirements.


Quick Load tables

  • Tables in rich text

In the Requirements Module, in the text field, the user can create a table and customize the number of rows and columns. The table can contain texts but also Valis.


Tables within rich text fields

The current shortcuts for calling a table are the following;

For Mac:

  • Option + t - Create a 2 by 2 table

  • Option + Arrows - Add rows and columns in the direction of the arrows

  • Option + r - Delete the current row

  • Option + c - Delete the current column

  • Option + L - Creates a list

For Windows:

  • All + t - Create a 2 by 2 table

  • Alt + Arrows - Add rows and columns in the direction of the arrows

  • Alt + r - Delete the current row

  • Alt + c - Delete the current column

  • Alt + L - Creates a list

To delete a table simply select all of the columns and rows and hit “Delete” on your keyboard.

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