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Copy Project (Beta Feature/Admin Feature)

Copy project is a hidden feature that enables the admins to duplicate/copy the project into a different project within the same workspace or in a different workspace. This feature is a beta feature that means which is not fully tested. So there might be a few issues/bugs while copying the project. The “Copy Project” option is only available to the admin users.

Where to find “Copy Project”

The admin can find the copy project option when they click on the icon with their name initials (1). Upon clicking the icon, the dialog box opens with the list of selections. Here you can find the “copy project” option (2).

Upon selecting the “copy project”, a new dialog box opens where the user can provide the name for the new copy project and also have the possibility to define which workspace where they would like to copy the project.

It would take several minutes or hours to copy the whole project. The time taken would depend on the size of the projects. Note that the project, copy project creates new objects with new ids and it is not connected to the old project. Once the copy project is completed, the admin will receive a notification that the project has been copied.

The current “Copy Feature” only allows you to copy the objects in the Components module, Requirements Module, Analysis module, and simulations module. The other features such as timelines, tasks, discussions, and time sequences are not currently copied and these would be added in the coming versions.

Since the copy project is a beta feature, there might be few issues while copying. If you come across any inconsistency, please let us know at

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