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CSRF Failed: Origin checking failed

After version 1.78 if running Valispace behind a reverse proxy, it’s possible to get the following error:

CSRF Failed: Origin checking failed - https://[domain] does not match any trusted origins.


To resolve the problem without modifying NGINX configurations in client side, this needs to be done:

  1. CODE
    cd /var/valispace/docker
    ./ restart

In the case that your deployment is not running behind a Reverse Proxy and you are getting the “CSRF Failed: Origin checking failed” then you can add the trusted Origin into your settings ( Replace the variable YOUR_DOMAIN by the domain used to access your deployment:

  1. CODE
    cd /var/valispace/docker
    echo 'CSRF_TRUSTED_ORIGINS = ['https://[YOUR_DOMAIN]']' >>
    ./ restart
JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.