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Release 1.28.24 (Feb 15, 2021)

We have two major feature releases for you!

Test Procedures

In our new Test Procedures module you can create and organize your tests with step-by-step procedures to be executed by your test engineers. Below are some of the major new features that we have added. You can read more about the Test Procedures here.

  • You can now connect your test steps directly to requirements in Valispace. When a test procedure is run, passed and approved, the connected requirements are automatically verified. 

  • You can also execute your procedure multiple times by creating several test runs for the same procedure. With the feature you can plan your test runs, decide who should approve the run, and run the procedure against different components



Component connections (interface modelling)

In the new Component Connections feature, you can model the interfaces between your components, like physical power lines or wireless communication connections. This will allow you to make sure that all parts have the correct interfaces while designing and also during assembly. You can see and add component connections in a graph view or in a table view in the component tab:



Smaller updates

  • We've added the possibility to toggle the margin in your budget tablet, both in the Components and the Analysis module

  • You can now reference DateValis in your Analysis and Requirements. The date will be automatically kept up to date in the text.

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