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Release 1.48 (4 January 2022)

In this version, many bugs were resolved and improvements introduced.

Here are the most important changes you should be aware of:

  • Move the modes table to the main table, under the modelist

The latest version of Valispace provides a detailed view of the Modes table under the main table.

The detail view of the modes table can now be viewed and edited in the dropdown arrow of the modelist:

  • Expected Result Field on Test Step

Now Valispace gives an option to add 'Expected Result' in the test table.

For improving the accuracy of the tests, now Valispace provides an ‘Expected Result’ column in the test table:

  • Check Old groups Discussion Permissions

Now Valispace gives an option to give permission to old group discussions.

For providing permission to old group discussion, you can add groups as shown below

  • Trash bin implemented

Now Valispace has a 'Trash bin' in the profile panel where it shows the deletion history.


The trash bin shows the components, valis, matrices, and requirements that have been deleted but cannot be restored from here and for now, it's just a reference to the deleted objects. In case you would like to recover the deleted object, they have to be recreated manually:

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