Release 1.59.9 (20 June 2022)
Copy Test procedure
In this version, we implemented the possibility of copying the testing procedure in the testing module. This feature only copies the step numbers, title, description, expected result and the critical step flags. With this feature, the user can duplicate the existing testing procedure in the same project.
The copy feature doesn't import the requirements linked to the test step, attachments and tags.
Bulk action for applicability attribute/custom column fields
Bulk action of adding or removing the component types to the applicability column or text/drop-down options to the custom fields is implemented in this version. To perform bulk action, the user must select the requirements and double-click on the applicability cell to choose the component types. Once the component types are selected, they are applied to all the requirements.
Similar to the bulk action in applicability, the user can do the same with the custom column fields in your deployment
Link existing requirement as a follower to the master requirement using the Master follower copy
Now users can make master follower connections between two existing requirements within the same project or different projects. Refer to the gif below.