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Release 1.60.8 (4 July 2022)

  • Moving requirements to another specification’s section

In the old version, it was only possible to move requirements from one specification to another specification. In this new version, requirements can not only be moved to another specification but also to a section within a specification. The gif below shows you how to do it.


  • The logic behind the identifier’s suggestion changed

An improvement was made in the identifier suggestion. When creating a new requirement or a connected copy, Valispace now considers the context (numbers, abbreviations, last requirement, etc. ) and suggests a relevant identifier name.


  • Suggestions improved in the Parents-Children fields.

When clicking on the Parents or Children fields in the Requirements Module, a search area/dialog box appears. There, we improved the quality of the requirements suggestions made for the user. The suggestions now consider the context of the search, in which specification and section the user is currently working in.


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