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Release 1.77.39 (15 May 2023)

  • Confirmation popups after renaming objects/Moving objects

In this version, we have implemented the confirmation popups while renaming objects or moving objects such as specifications or sections or components etc. This feature is implemented to avoid the accidental renaming and moving of objects in valispace.

  • New Beta Feature - Server-Side Tables

Struggling with loading 10000 requirements or more in valispace? Then you are in luck! we are implementing a new Beta feature “Server Side Tables”. This features loads fast the few requirements and then it loads as you work. This feature will save the user to wait the loading times. This feature can be only enabled by the admins of the deployment.

This is a beta feature and it is not fully complete. We are aware of the bugs and improvements and we are fixing them. If you have any suggestions/improvements, please feel free to let us know at

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