Release 1.90 (31 January 2024)
Insights for Specifications
In this version, we released a new feature, “Insights”, within the requirements module. This feature gives an overview of the requirements concerning the states, verification status, discussions within the folders, specifications and sections. This feature is currently a work in progress (WIP), and additional overviews will be added in the upcoming versions.
Version & New History
We have introduced a new feature called "Versions", which includes a new history feature. This allows users to perform versioning and releases for the requirements and specifications within the requirements module. Please note that this feature is not automatically available to users and must be activated for deployment. Admins can activate this feature in the admin panel. If you want to activate this feature, please get in touch with us at
To know more about the feature, please refer to the documentation here.
SSO Login Only
For deployments that use Single Sign-On (SSO) for logging in, administrators can now restrict users to log in only via SSO without the need for a username and password. To activate this feature, the admins must enable it in the admin settings. For more information, please refer to the documentation provided here.