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Release 1.91.12 (13 February 2024)

  • New Navigation Structure

The recently introduced navigation structure, initially available as a beta feature, is now enabled by default for all users. If preferred, individuals can opt out by disabling this feature in the "Beta Features" section of the settings menu.


New Navigation structure

  • Quality Assessment in Valiassistant

This update introduces an enhanced feature to our "Valiassistant" AI tool: the "Quality Assessment" capability. The Valiassistant now examines the requirements to present a "Quality Assessment Score" and accompanying "Quality Assessment Comment" in dedicated columns. Users can then decide whether to update their requirements based on this feedback.


Quality Assessment feature within Valiassistant

  • Quality assessment graph within “Insights”

Leveraging the Quality Assessment functionality of the Valiassistant, we have integrated a Quality Assessment Graph in the Insights section. This new feature produces a visual representation of evaluations performed by the Vali-Assistant, which thoroughly analyzes specifications or sections to provide in-depth insights.


Quality assessment graph within “Insights”

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