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Rest API and Python API Documentation

This document provides the reference for the Valispace REST API. Using the REST API, the users can get and modify data from Valispace/Requirements & System Portal (RSP) app or even write data back into Valispace/RSP and thus update information. Additionally, this gives you the possibility to connect/integrate with other applications or apps.

Accessing the Rest API in the Requirements & System Portal (RSP) using the tokens

To access the REST API in the RSP app within Altium A365, the users can generate the tokens by navigating to the Settings menu and selecting User Tokens. Within the User Tokens settings page, you will find the API address for your specific deployment. This address is necessary for making API calls.

Click the “+” icon on the User Tokens page to generate a new token. Each token is valid for 3 months and must be regenerated after it expires.

The user tokens can also be generated within the Valispace deployments. The users can either use the Username and password combination or the generated tokens to log in to the valispace deployment.

For the Requirement and Systems Portal on Altium 365, it is not possible to use the username and password for API access. The tokens should be used.

Consuming the API using the access_token, adding a token through a "Bearer ..." using the application type "JSON" to the Authorization HTTP request header is necessary.

curl --location 'http://deployment_name/rest/requirements/versions/search/' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer hO2lwhLZsYOgXPNVI' \
--data '{
    "size": 10,
    "query_filters": {
        "object_id": 93

or using the requests, you can send the access token like this

access_token = 'Generated_Access_token'
api_url = 'Api_Address'

# workspace id and component type

workspace_id = 1
component_type_name = "CompA"

# Define headers with the access token
headers = {
    'Authorization': f'Bearer {access_token}',
    'Content-Type': 'application/json',  # Adjust content type as needed

# Make a GET request (you can use other HTTP methods like POST, PUT, etc.)
component_types_workspace = requests.get(api_url + "components/types/?workspace="+str(workspace_id), headers=headers)

The above code works both in Requirements and System Portal (RSP) app and Valispace.

Also, you can use the requests to log in to Valispace using the username and password. Here’s the example code where you can add the missing information.

import requests

USERNAME = "your_username_here"
PASSWORD = "your_password_here"
CLIENT_ID = "your_client_id"
CLIENT_SECRET = "your_client_Secret"
DOMAIN_URL = "deployment_name"

access_token_url = f"{DOMAIN_URL}/o/token/"
response =
        "grant_type": "password",
        "username": USERNAME,
        "password": PASSWORD,
        "client_id": CLIENT_ID,
        "client_secret": CLIENT_SECRET,

assert response.status_code == 200
response_data = response.json()

ACCESS_TOKEN = response_data["access_token"]

Python API Documentation

The Valispace python API lets you access and update objects in your Valispace deployment with python code.

Install the Valispace python API with pip:


pip install valispace


Import valispace API module in a python script:


import valispace


and initialize with


valispace = valispace.API()


More information about the functionalities and functions in the API can be found at The Valispace python API is licensed under the MIT license, which means that anyone can contribute to the code by cloning the GitHub repository.


The users can access the endpoints on the rest page. To access the page, add “rest/”at the end of the deployment name. eg: “”. This page lists all the existing endpoints

To access the rest page, use your Leaving out the “/” at the end of the rest doesn't redirect you to the rest page.

There are “GET”,” POST”,” PUT”,” PATCH” and “DELETE” methods.

Every object in Valispace has its own ID; you can use it to look for and retrieve the object information itself. The object ID can be seen either directly in Valispace or in the URL when clicking on the object in Valispace.

For example, if you use the get function to get vali information through the rest, you can use the following endpoint to get the vali details.

GET /rest/valis/{vali-id}/

Using GET, retrieving the information of the vali

Similarly, you can use the methods to retrieve/update or post different objects such as components, tags, valis, textvalis, requirements, specifications, verification methods, etc. You can search for the endpoints on the rest page.

Filtering objects for projects

In addition to authentication, you can use the "GET" method to retrieve objects such as Valis or Requirements within the deployment. If you need to filter the results based on a specific project, you can achieve this by leveraging the filtering capabilities, provided the endpoint is configured accordingly. For instance, to retrieve requirements associated with project 24, you can use the following GET request:

GET /rest/requirements/?project=24

This functionality is demonstrated in the video below for a clearer understanding.

Inbuilt functions

Within valispace, whenever a user types the text in the text field, the text is saved in the backend in the HTML
format. The HTML format retains the formatting references to valis or other objects. So, if you are getting the requirements information, you might get the HTML text in your import. To avoid this, we have implemented two functions which can be useful to convert the HTML fields to just text or HTML formatting with valis converted to text. The functions are clean_text and clean_html.

Clean_text function

The clean text function converts all the HTML formats and object references within the field to text. However, in this case, the formatting is also lost. For example, the formatting is also lost if you have a list, tables or colour. You can use this as shown below.

GET /rest/requirements/?project=24&clean_text=text,rationale

Here, I am doing the filter for project 24 and asking to give the clean text for the text and rationale of the field. The output would be this for this specific action.

Requirements after using the Clean_text function

Clean_html function

The clean_html function keeps the formatting options of the text but then converts the references/objects like valis to text. If the text contains formatting options such as lists, background colour, tables etc, this information is retained.

GET /rest/requirements/?project=24&clean_html=text,rationale

Requirements after using the clean_html function

Common Questions:

How to find the correct endpoint?

Navigating through numerous endpoints with similar names can be confusing. If you ever find uncertainty about a specific endpoint, we encourage you to contact our support channel for clarification. Alternatively, you can leverage your browser's "network" feature to observe which endpoints are triggered when performing actions within the software's front end.

As an illustration, consider the process of creating a component. In this case, the associated endpoint can be identified as a "POST" request to "/rest/components," this information can be easily discerned by inspecting the network activity during the action. A concise demonstration of this approach is provided in the brief video below.

How do you get/post a requirement's verification methods(VM) and components?

A requirement in Valispace can be associated with multiple verification methods (VMs), each of which can, in turn, have multiple components attached to it. Various verification method types are supported, including rules, test, inspection, analyses, review, and custom VMs. Each verification method type is uniquely identified by its own ID.

You can use the appropriate endpoint to retrieve the IDs for these verification method types.

GET /rest/requirements/verification-methods/

For example, to obtain the IDs of Verification method types for project id 24, you can use the following endpoint

GET /rest/requirements/verification-methods/?project=24

Verification method list of the project

To obtain the verification methods linked to a specific requirement, Valispace creates a dedicated object known as "Requirement-VMS." This object has its unique identifier (ID), which can be accessed through the following endpoint:

GET /rest/requirements/requirement-vms/

For example, this requirement, SPC-002 with ID 2165 has one verification method of type “Rules”, and the object id of requirment-vms is 2203.

If we use the endpoint, “/rest/requirements/requirement-vms/2203 ” we get the following response.

Requirment-vms keys and values

Upon inspection of the "Requirement-vms" object, you'll notice that the method ID "20" corresponds to the "Rules" Verification Method, as per the list of verification method types obtained earlier. When incorporating this information into your script, ensure that you map the method ID to the respective verification method type.

Furthermore, within the "Requirement-vms" object, there are references to two component VMs. These component-VM IDs represent the components attached to the Requirement Verification Methods. When interacting with these components programmatically, utilize these IDs in your script accordingly.

The endpoint to access the component-vms would be

GET /rest/requirements/component-vms/{id}

When you get the details of the component vms, the component fields gives you the component id with which you can map the component’s name.

Component vms

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