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Valis can be of certain properties, e.g., mass, power, length, etc. A type has a name, a unit, and can have a default formula. With types, you can do calculations such as "sum of children", in which the Valis with the same type in sub-components are added together.

Create new Types

To create or edit types, navigate to the profile name (1) and then select settings menu (2):

In your settings, types can be created or edited in the "Valitypes" section.

To create a type click the “+” button in the top left corner of the table. Choose the name and unit and hit 'Create' to add a type. Next to the name and unit, a description and default formula can be added. The default formula is pre-populated when adding the Valitype to a component, but you can always change it to another formula if you want.

All your Valitypes are shown in a list:

By checking the "Add by default" checkbox for a Valitype, a Vali of this type will be automatically added to new components that you create. This setting is user-specific, so if you change it, it will only affect the components that you create.

Valis with Type

A Vali with a type has the same name as the type and you can only have one Vali with a certain type per component. When you add a Vali and start typing the name, you will get a list of all types you have added to choose from.

When adding a Vali with a type (e.g. Mass), the unit of the Vali has to match or be convertible to the unit of the Valitype. For example, if the Valitype Mass has unit 'kg', you can add a new Mass with unit 'g', but not with unit 's'.

For values that you can sum up, e.g. the total mass is the sum of the mass of the sub-components, you can do this automatically with the 'sum of children' formula, by specifying soc() in the formula field. This function sums Valis of the same type in the sub-components and gives you the total value.

Automatic Budgets using Types

On an analysis page, you can create automatic budgets and breakdowns using types. 

Add a new block to the Analysis and choose "Table", then "Budget":

After loading the new block, the breakdown of the Vali will be shown as a table, together with the margins and worst cases:

Note that these tables can be copied and directly pasted into an excel sheet if you would like to export your budget table.

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