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Load Views / Saved Views

A new feature has been added to all the modules and allows users to save and load particular views of the modules. This feature is particularly helpful when the user works with the Requirements Module as there are many columns/attributes. The view manager provides an option to every user to save the customized view of the tables and columns according to their needs.

Use cases

The typical use cases for Load view / Saved View are explained below.

In the normal ‘Default View’ settings of the requirement table, ‘Text’, ‘Parents’, and ‘Children’ are visible adjacent to the ‘Identifier’ column and are checked by default. If the user requires these columns as a priority, the user can choose the Default view as shown in the image below.

In case the user wants to work with the verification and validation of the requirements, the user can select the columns which are needed for this process. The typical attributes that are used for this V&V process are the identifier, text, verification methods, verification status, closeout references, verified on, and verified by. The user can select these columns and then save them as a new view. Once the view is saved, the user can switch/load back to this view with a single click through the views manager. Refer to the image below.

View Manager - to load the existing saved views

Create, save and load the view

To create a particular view and save it in the Views Manager, the user has to follow the following steps:

  • Select a particular requirement specification, for which you would like to create a view

  • On the right side of the Actions column, you can find three dashes

  • Clicking on the dashes makes a popup appear. Click on the table icon upon which you can find the column names with checkboxes

  • Select the columns as per your requirement and thus you create a particular view

  • Click on the save view tab in the Views Manager to save this view. Thus appears a popup ‘Save Current View’ in which the user can insert a name for the view and save it

  • The user can set the view to Public, Private or Favorite while saving the view

  • To load any view, click on the name of the specific view in the ‘Views Manager’ tab

The gif below gives an illustration of the above steps:

Public, Private, and Favorite view

Public, Private, and Favorite views are the features of a specific view that is managed by users according to their requirement and is described below:

  • Public: when a saved view is set to Public by the user, any user who has the access to this project can view this view

  • Private: if the saved view is set to Private, only the user who created the view can see the view

  • Favourite: the saved view can be set to Favorite for quick access of the users as they appear on the lower bar once the view is favourited. The ‘Favorite' saved view appears on the quick access bar for all users if the view is set to public, else appears only on the access bar of the 'Owner’ who created the view

To set the view Public or Private and Favorite, the user can follow one of the two steps below:

  • While creating a new view, the user can select if the view has to be set to Public or Private and Favorite and then save the view

  • Alternatively, the user can also choose his options using Manage views in the Views Manager. When the user clicks on the Manage views, a popup appears showing all the saved views and in front of every view, the user can set it to public or private by clicking on the lock icon. If the lock is highlighted, then the view is set to private, else it is public. The view can be favourite by clicking on the star icon. The gif below shows how it’s done:

Deleting the saved view

The saved views can be deleted from the ‘Manage views’ tab. Clicking on the ‘Manage views’ tab, a popup appears listing all the saved views and in front of every view, a ‘Delete’ option is provided. By clicking on the ‘Delete’ icon, the user can delete the saved view.

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