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Fan Tutorial 3a - Verify System - V&V Module

Before moving on with this part of the Tutorial please check, which type of Verification Flow is active in your Valispace instance! There are two ways of verifying Requirements in Valispace, through Verification and Validation (V&V) Activities and through Verification Methods (VMs). The V&V Activity flow will become the default one, whereas the VMs flow will be deprecated over the next months.

To check which one is active, please hover over the little test tube icon in your Module sidebar on the left:


If what you see looks like this image-20240513-144510.png, your admin has enabled the Verifications & Validations Module. Please continue with the Fan Tutorial 3a - Verify System - V&V Module.

If what you see looks like this image-20240513-144821.png, your admin has enabled the Test Module. Please continue with the Fan Tutorial 3b - Verify System - Test Module.

Both Modules provide similar features but with a different look.

This tutorial will discuss how to conduct Verifications and Validations (V&V) activities using Valispace. We created requirements and components for our Valifan project in our previous tutorials. This tutorial will explain how:

  • Requirements are linked to components

  • How to create V&V Activities

  • How to link V&V Activities to Requirements

  • How to run an Activity

  • Demonstrate the automatic verification methods in Valispace.

This part of the tutorial takes approximately 20 - 35 mins to complete. All the values and the requirements provided are arbitrary.

Before we begin, let's review the basics of Verification & Validation in Valispace. Requirements are connected to one or more systems, or subsystems. These systems are verified using V&V Activities. A component's requirement can be verified with single or multiple V&V Activities. Each Activity can be linked to one or several Requirements and can verify one or more Systems.

Adding a Verification & Validation Activity to a Requirement

Valispace offers three columns dedicated to the Validation and Verification of Requirements:

  • V&V Status (Indicates the overall status of Verification)

  • V&V Activities (Associated V&V Activities to the Requirement)

  • V&V Rules (Automatic Verification based on Vali comparison between Requirement and System Design Module)

Please search for these columns and arrange them so you will see the following in your Requirements Table.


Necessary columns for Verification and Validation

Now, let’s head over to the “Verifications & Validations Module” to set up a new V&V Activity. For this, click on the corresponding Module icon in your left sidebar (1) and then select “+ V&V Activity“ (2).


The Verifications and Validations Module

After this in the pop-up box that opens let’s define a simple Mass Inspection Activity.


After clicking on “Create“ the Activity is created and you can further explore this Activity by clicking on the name of the Activity in the “Name“ column.

But for now let’s head back to the Requirements Module to associate this Activity to our Mass Requirement R-Fan-001. Please check out the Video below on how to do this.

It is also possible to upload Evidence like Reports and other Documents when going into the specific Activity in the V&V Module.

With this we have successfully created a manual verification Activity. Let us now look at how to have automatic Verifications on our Requirements that check System Design Valis against Requirement Valis.

Automatic Verification Method through Rules

Most technical developments are designed against strict requirements, e.g., mass, power consumption, budget, etc. Valispace maintains a complete overview of whether your design fulfils all of these technical parameters.

In this part we are going to focus on the “V&V Rules” column. So please arrange your columns in the Requirements Module so they look like in the following Figure.


The V&V Rules Column - To set up a set of rules to compare Requirement Valis with System Design Valis.

Before defining the rule please check the name of the 300 g Vali in your Requirement R-Fan-001 by hovering over the Vali, like this:


Either change the name to a more meaningful name by clicking on the pencil and renaming it or remember this name for the next step (in this case the Vali is called R_Fan_001_vali).

Now, double click into the V&V Rules cell of Requirement R-Fan-001. This will open up a pop-up window where you can define the Rules.


In here we can define a rule to compare our Requirement Valifan Mass of 300 g with the Mass Vali of the Fan System from the System Design Module. Use the dollar sign ($) to call the Valis. In the box that opens you can search for Valis by typing their names. We are setting up the following relationship:

$Fan.Mass < $R-Fan_001.R_Fan_001_vali

which compares the System Design Mass with the Vali from our Requirement.


Note how Valispace already fetches the real associated values below the Rule box.

After clicking “Create“, then “Save“ and then close the window. You will see that we have now one Rule (which is verified) associated with the Requirement and a total of 2/2 V&V Status.


Note that the Rule will continuously check on the Valis and will indicate whether the Rule is still verified or not. If either the Requirement Vali or the System Design Vali changes and the Rule is not verified anymore Valispace will indicate automatically that the Rule passed to Not Verified.

Try to change a mass Vali on the System Design Module so that the total Fan Mass is above 300 g and then check the Status of the V&V Rules.

Next Steps?

Congratulations, you now know your way around Valispace!


You can continue improving your Desktop Fan project. Here are some ideas:

  • Add Compliance to your requirements

  • Add a few parent/children relationships between requirements, check the Connections Graph, and notice the colour codes on the requirement.

  • Explore the Specification export script that is available for exporting the requirements to a Word document.

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